August 14, 2021: Big Day for Traditional Sports & Games


Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) are sports and games specific to a particular culture, practiced by people of that culture. In 2013, UNESCO compiled an international list that it updates annually. On August 14, join us in celebrating International Traditional Sports and Games Day.

Sports help keep us fit, and they promote human values, like a sense of community and friendship. Traditional Sports & Games–those indigenous to a culture–may disappear if we don’t value and support them. So celebrating TSG on August 14 is a way to show we care.

Check out what is happening in your country and, then, participate in the day. Keep abreast by going to this website maintained by the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games.


Here is how Gilli Danda (sometimes spelled with only one ‘l’)–and the TSG shown in the cover photo– is played. The game is also sometimes called Chinni Dandu and by other names. Learn more about the sport here.

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