What can fans and players expect? The answer might surprise you.
From football to hockey, basketball to volleyball, gymnastics to cricket, the world of sports is a part of so many people’s lives as participants and fans. Naturally then, this wide-reaching industry is frequently changing and evolving to improve not only player performance but fan enjoyment, too.
What changes and improvements can we expect to see in the future? Gola Shoes (including classic trainer designs) and Mediaworks investigate.
For the Fans
When it comes to spectating, it’s all about the feeling involved. Consider how you feel when you attend a game or match. But you don’t have to ‘be there’ (in person, that is) to get that very same feeling.
Through today’s technology–and the technology of the future–fans simulate the feeling of game/match attendance.
Social Media. Social media is effectively the digital stadium of today. For example, you might not have known that a particularly noteworthy boxing match was on until you logged in to your social media account. There you can get a blow-by-blow description of what’s happening with profile information to boot.

Courtesy: socialmediatoday.com
In social media, the go-to in sports is Twitter–a sometimes maligned and undervalued platform. But one thing is for sure: Twitter has found footing in the sporting world. In 2014, 80% of Millennials checked Twitter, but this fell dramatically by 2016 with only 37% checking Twitter trends. But from 2016 on the number of daily users began to increase again, rising by 9%.
Visitor counts increase in particular during sports events–as seen during the Super Bowl–with an increase of 19% in terms of unique visitors. Event engagement increased by 31% with Twitter, and recollection of an event (a significant indicator for marketers) increased by 35%.
With its rapid updating, easy-to-track hashtags for events and by-the-second commentary, Twitter is an ideal platform for fans around the world. Fans can gather and comment on a sporting event in real time.
V/A Reality. The next phase of technology development includes virtual and augmented reality technology. Other than attending a sports game, those technologies are the closest way for fans to experience the stadium sensation.
There’s still a way to go before these types of technology will be readily available and accessible–especially when considering the current capabilities of the technology. As FutureOf points out, the sense of being in attendance only happens when activity is close to the camera, as it is with boxing. But if the action takes place at a distance, then viewers see it as 2D, which quickly nullifies the sense of emersion.
But make no mistake about it, the current and future allure of sport is also about fashion–and that world is changing, too.

Shirts and Kits. What fans wear is important! Whether fans watch a game in person or at the stadium, clothing choices are highly connected to a sense of fan engagement. As CNN points out, shirt designs have the potential to symbolise iconic moments in sports. So they are naturally a popular way for fans to be a part of that history. We witnessed that during last year’s World Cup. French fans were clamouring to own the latest Nike shirt bearing two stars–a design representing the country’s two World Cup wins.
Footwear. When it comes to the coolest part of clothes and fashion, multiple studies have shown how Generation Z (the consumer of tomorrow) places emphasis on footwear. For them, it’s less about the newly released shirts and more about the year’s best cleats!
Why is that? It could be explained by a lesser sense of team loyalty. More Generation Zers follow individual sports stars regardless of their team switches. Following stars rather than teams also means that Generation Z tends to prefer fantasy sports games vis-a-vis betting on real games. Fantasy engagement allows them to put together a team of their favourite players.
For the Players
The world of sport isn’t changing just for fans. It’s transformative for athletes, too. Players enjoy the benefits of the latest technology and clothing, including options that connect the two.
Athlete outfits. We’ve already seen products that help athletes push themselves to the limit–and beyond–with comfort! With moisture-wicking clothing to wearable monitors that track distance, speed, heart rate and more, we’re far from the days of just hitting the track with a pair of trainers, shorts, and a vest!

‘Smart clothing’ (photo, Fashion Network)
In the near future, athletes will have greater access to what’s called ‘smart clothing’ with integrated sensors designed to read biometrics. Not only will this technology track basic information, like heart rate, but one smart-clothing CEO claims that we’ll be able to use technology to pinpoint why a person has developed illnesses, such as cancer–be it genetic, environmental, or diet.
Keep a Close Eye. VART (video assistant referee technology) was introduced at FIFA World Cup 2018. This technology allowed referees to replay video footage to support (or contradict) their decision-making. VAR can be used to award or rescind penalties depending on the original decision.
It’s in the Genes. It may sound like a sci-fi movie, but the reality of genetically-edited athletes may not be so far away. According to one report, part of the increased data-collection capabilities in sport means that gene-based data collection could be possible soon. This data could show what (if any) genetics make for a top-tier player. That info can then be used in gene-editing to help produce faster and stronger athletes—even though the World Anti-Doping Agency has banned it (at least for now).

Photo, Inside Higher Education
It’s in the ‘e’ and Fantasy. Dismissed as mere video games not long go, eSports have rapidly grown over the years with revenues erupting from $130 million in 2012 to $865 million in 2018. Its viewership is starting to rival real-life sports, too. For example, according to one report, the 2017 World Championship for League of Legends drew 43 million viewers compared to 44.5 million fans who watched Game 7 of the NBA finals.
But when it comes to playing eSports, there’s a huge leap between playing a game for fun and playing it professionally. The difference is what gamers call ‘game sense,’ that is, spatial and situational awareness linked to a virtual battleground. And it’s why many fans think eSports players are athletes. How so? eSports players demonstrate athletic prowess by making quick decisions under pressure.
For sure, the future of sport is shaping up to be incredibly exciting and appealing. And to help you learn more, we’ve put together a reading list for you. Enjoy!
For More Information
Robot Referees and Genetically-Engineered Athletes?
Wearable Technology of Tomorrow
Football Kits and World Cup 2018
Projected eSports Revenues Through 2022