There’s so much to be gained when women participate in sports–no matter their talent level.
I believe every parent should encourage their daughters to play sports. So many benefits will follow. At the very least–and no matter the talent level–female athletes learn how to stay in shape and how to contribute to a team.
There’s the development of self-confidence, too. That’s so important for tackling problems in school and everyday life.

Courtesy: Womens’ Sports Foundation
Let me add leadership skills to the list. Through sports, athletes learn how to be strong and how to get a job done.
And it’s not unusual for athletes to learn new things about themselves, even to exceed their own expectations when the going gets tough–when a goal needs to be scored or a pass needs to be made. Even in defeat, there’s so much learning that can be carried over to personal and professional life.
Let me close by commenting on what’s often an undervalued aspect of playing sports–developing the capacity to observe. You can’t play a sport without developing the capacity to observe–the field/court, the opponent, and the game situation.
As athletes get better at sensing their surroundings, they then have a better idea of what they need to do. The ability to observe and react appropriately is critical in literally every sphere of life.
Yes, there’s so much to be gained from participating in sports–no matter the talent level.
So, young ladies, go for it!
Another valuable article! Keep it up.
PS, Thanks to Frank Fear, I really want to read your book. Congratulations!
Samuel H. Johnson