Mithun Pranav secured first place in the Under-10 category Rapid and third place in Under 10-category Blitz at the International Grandmaster FIDE Rapid and Blitz Chess Tournament.

Mithun at the awards ceremony
The tournament drew over 200 participants, with several Grandmasters and International Masters participating. The time control was 15 minutes + 5 seconds increment for nine rounds in Rapid. The Blitz event had 250+ participants in a 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment format.
The event was conducted by Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shahsun Jain College for Women and GRT Jewelers on July 22 and 23, held at the Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai, and organized by Rook & Knights Academy of Chess. GRT Jewelers provided cash prizes.
The inaugural event was graced by Mr. Ganesan, K, Secretary, Chennai District Chess Association and International Arbiter, Mr. M.A Velayudham, Founder and Trainer of Bloom Chess Academy, Chennai, and college Secretaries Smt Usha Abhaya Srisrimal, Associate secretary Dr. Harish L Mehta, Principal Dr, Padmavati S, and Vice Principal Dr. Rukmani S.