Revitte was a college football fan who co-authored game predictions, most recently in TSC about bowl games 2021-22.

John Reviitte (photo courtesy The State News, Michigan State U)
John Revitte passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, April 20. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts–Amhurst and the University of Michigan, Revitte was professor emeritus, Michigan State University, with a specialization in labor studies.
A fan of college sports, football, in particular, Revitte followed the athletic fortunes of the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and the Big Ten in general. He expressed his thoughts in print from time to time, co-authoring football prediction pieces with TSC’s Frank Fear.
“John loved college athletics, and he always had well-reasoned opinions about how things would turn out and why. I learned a lot from John, and I always looked forward to our conversations. I’ll miss those talks,” Fear said.
Revitte passed away at the University of Michigan hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan.