Shredder: Another Poorly Kept Secret for MMA-Themed Nick All-Star Brawl


Previously, I wrote about Garfield being a poorly kept secret for the MMA game, Nick All-Star Brawl. Why was it a poorly kept secret? A huge data mine leak revealed that he was set to become the next DLC character. Now, another “secret” was leaked. It’s Shredder this time.

Well, another poorly kept secret from the leak has been proven true. The trailer, released on February 3rd, opens with Shredder from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing off his moves–before the villain is revealed to be the next DLC character for the MMA-style game.

Among his moves include the standard kicks and punches and his claws. The addition of Shredder is part of a huge update for Nick All-Star Brawl, which includes voice acting.

Congratulations, Shredder. Here’s hoping the other two Ninja Turtles get to join the Nick All-Star Brawl battle, too.

About Kadin McElwain

I was born in Kingston, New York, the second child of Monika Keiper and Matthew McElwain. At age two, I was diagnosed with autism, and I’m currently undergoing therapy to help me have a good life. I have multiple interests, including music and writing. I started writing seriously at the age of 13 by writing poems on, earning a nomination for Best Teen Poet. In high school, I went on to write scripts, articles, and stories. Now in college, my ultimate goal is to make the world a better place.

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