International Traditional Sports Day 2021 will celebrate the diversity of culture as represented by traditional sports and games.
Setting aside this day was was the outcome of the 4th Collective Consultation Meeting on Traditional Sports and Games, held in Istanbul, Turkey. The meeting was attended by more than 80 participants from 40 countries and included sports ministers, other government officials, UNESCO representatives, and dignitaries representing other international organizations.

TSG will be celebrated internationally on August 14.
UNESCO supports Traditional Sports and games because it helps expand intercultural awareness, makes geographically distant cultures more reachable, enables youth development, and advances ethical sports practices. By setting aside a day of celebration, the group hopes to generate more interest in TSG.
The International Council of Traditional Sports and Games is led by Khalil Ahmed Khan, appointed as president in 2018. Mr. Shammi Rana serves as Secretary-General. In that role, Rana promotes TSG worldwide.
Join us on August 14 as we celebrate Traditional Sports and Games!