We seem to be trending to a sports world where just about anything goes. If it involves competition, then it is a sport.
The world of sports is changing every day. Although crowds are back in sporting arenas worldwide, the sports world has changed tremendously during the age of COVID-19. How so? I’m not sure what it means these days when somebody uses the word ‘sports.’
E-Sports: Video gaming, back in the day, wasn’t a sport in the eyes of many people. It was entertainment. But nowadays, e-sports are sports, and they have evolved into a multi-million dollar industry, too, with college scholarships and leagues included. Soon, e-sports might even be a part of high school. According to The Verge.com, Nintendo is working with high schools all across America to bring competitive Smash Ultimate and Splatoon to the high school sports world.

Photo by Kadin McElwain
Sports Gambling and the Lottery: Online sports gambling–including gaming and betting on sports, popularized by FanDuel, for example, and the state-level legalization of sports gambling–is hot. But is the lottery, another form of gambling, also a sport? Think of it this way: the lottery is competitive, requires some skill level, and yields prizes to winners. It very well could be considered a sport.
And I haven’t even gotten into a discussion of Extreme Sports, which includes a wide variety of offerings, like Bubble Football, pictured in the cover photo.
So, as you can see, the world of sports is expanding. My prediction? Soon, it will be ‘anything goes.’