‘999 Racing’ Sequel: Legends Never Die (Finale)

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The fourth and final scene opens with Starfire walking around the baseball field.

Starfire: OK. Quick late-night inspection of the field, then I’ll be good.

{Bad Energy by Juice Wrld starts playing as Starfire notices three baseball players, rival team The Sharks, spray-painting dirty words on the dugout.  Jarad, Jason, and Dark Wrld walk by.}

Dark Wrld: Well, well, well. If it isn’t the leader. Congrats, Starfire.

Jarad: {Noticing the spray-painting Sharks.} Oh, would you look at that?!

{The Sharks laugh at their crime as they quickly run away before anyone notices. But little did they know, they were about to get the biggest surprise ever.}

Firestone: Oh! That is so upsetting!

Dark Wrld: Yeah! If I could get a hold of those guys, I would personally.

Starfire: {Getting an idea.} Hey. I’m in charge.

Jarad: Oh. We are so talking. Let’s give them the payback of their life!

Starfire: Let’s go.

{Starfire, Jarad, Dark Wrld, and Jason drive to the Sharks baseball field with no one there except one security guard as Buck 50 by Juice Wrld starts playing. They end up spray-painting their own cuss words onto the dugout of their field. Starfire also puts the team’s winning baseball into her pocket. The four quickly get back into the car as the security guard notices their crime.}

Guard: Hey! You just vandalized and stole our property! That’s it! I’m calling the cops!

{In the car, Jarad, Dark Wrld, Jason, and Starfire are laughing at their payback.}

Dark Wrld: That’ll teach those Sharks!

Jarad: Yeah! {He pulls out a four-pack of Redbull and hands one can to each character.} A toast! To a new world order! We are calling the shots now!

{The four toast to that with their Redbull and take a big swig.}

Starfire: Nothing can touch us. {Just then, a police car siren can be heard.} Oh, man!

Jarad: Oh man!

Dark Wrld: Oh man!

Firestone: Come on. Let me out!

Cop: {Talking over the megaphone.} Pull it over, vandals and thief!

Jarad: And thief?!

Starfire: {Embarrassed.} I might’ve stolen the Sharks’ winning baseball?

Jarad: {Angry.} What?! Well, you might’ve gotten us arrested too!

{Jarad steps on the gas and starts leading the police into a high-speed chase. In the police car, the cop is filming the chase for the hit show, Arrested.}

Cop: What we got here is some vandals and a thief, who thought it would be a good idea to vandalize the Sharks’ field and steal their winning ball. We’ll probably rough them up a bit and make them pay a fine. You know, nothing a breathalyzer test can’t cure. {He laughs but realizes that this is being broadcast live.} We can edit that out.

Jarad: {Noticing the camera.} Is that a camera?

Firestone: {Freaking out.} This it! Goodbye world! Mommy!

Starfire: Guys. Chill out. We can lose them. It’s a car.

{Right at that moment, a police helicopter and news helicopter fly up to continue the chase, an army tank starts joining the chase, and the SWAT team starts chasing the foursome’s car as well.}

Jarad: Oh! This is great! Nice job, Ally!

Dark Wrld: You tried, Jarad. But face the music! She’s a bad kid.

Firestone: {Noticing them going towards Jarad’s house.} Hey, guys. Not to interrupt a tender moment or anything, but we’re heading straight for Jarad’s house!!

{The foursome crash into the side of Jarad’s house, ending the big police chase. Jarad, Jason, Dark Wrld, and Starfire step out of the car as the cops come to arrest them. Jarad, Jason, and Dark Wrld are immediately handcuffed as Jarad turns to Starfire.}

Jarad: Do you see what happens when you don’t grow up?! Your friends and family eventually get it!

Starfire: I’m sorry. {She immediately breaks down crying.} I want to be the best leader for Mom!

Jarad: Yeah? Well, this isn’t the way to do it! Here’s what’s going to happen: You are going to grow up! You will be the best baseball team leader that you can be and win that Little League World Series! Then, you are coming with me to the Olympics in Italy! Have I made myself clear, little lady?

Starfire: Yes, Dad. I won’t let you down. {She notices that the cops are still there.} Come on, everyone! Get out! You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here!

{The police, army, SWAT Team, and news crew leave. Up, Up, and Away by Juice Wrld plays as a montage of Starfire being the best leader ever begins. She wins the Little League World Series for the team, and then Jarad ends up winning gold at the Olympic games for racing. Ally and Nocturnal Wrld, our two deceased heroes, narrate this.}

Ally: {Narrating.} Well, it looks like everything worked out for Starfire, just like I knew it would. Now we can both rest in peace, knowing that a new leader is here.

Nocturnal Wrld: {Narrating.} I still think that Jarad should’ve let Starfire fall a little.

Ally: {Narrating.} Yeah. But then we would miss the important lesson of this story: Leadership is required, and family is important.

{Man of the Year by Juice Wrld plays as the credits roll. A post-credits scene plays with the antagonist of our next adventure, Nostradamus, who pulls out a gauntlet and puts it in his hand.}

Nostradamus: Never mind. I’ll do it myself.

{End of scene, and end of the script.

RIP, Juice Wrld.}

About Kadin McElwain

I was born in Kingston, New York, the second child of Monika Keiper and Matthew McElwain. At age two, I was diagnosed with autism, and I’m currently undergoing therapy to help me have a good life. I have multiple interests, including music and writing. I started writing seriously at the age of 13 by writing poems on Allpoetry.com, earning a nomination for Best Teen Poet. In high school, I went on to write scripts, articles, and stories. Now in college, my ultimate goal is to make the world a better place.

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