During a chaotic time nationally and personally, you have to put first things first. That’s why the Washington Redskins were renamed (for a time) The Washington Football Team.
Personally, I personally had been intending to lobby and push for the name ‘Redtails.’ It’s the right name–a unique fit–for the Washington team, and it is the only team that could possibly carry that name. It’s quintessentially Washington, DC. It fits just like New England with its Patriots, Houston with its Texans, Tampa Bay with its Buccaneers, and New Orleans with its Saints.

And, let me quickly add that mine is not a new idea. I had settled on Redtails back in the 1990s. Then, as now, I felt that the name makes sense. That’s why I regret it took me so long to write this article.
We will achieve the highest real freedom in life when we have no more precedents, no more need to examine and define or question to fix with the necessity of establishing precedents. We can gauge our world’s perfection and function on the lack of need to address and establish precedents. The most peaceful times are when already established precedents aren’t questioned or broken. Then all is said and done, and–when all is said and done–there will still be work, but things will be easier as our attentions are immediately fully focused on what matters most.
Because as the world turns this historical corner, these things shouldn’t remain our concerns as people anymore. So, Redtails it is.
Done. Matter closed.