For me–a lover of the game–I wonder, really wonder, if football without fans is better than no football at all.
Association football is back with the return of one of Europe’s top leagues, the Bundesliga in Germany. But the return is with a twist: it’s being played behind closed doors, a reminder of the times. Yes, we hear players and coaches giving orders, but the stark reality if football is nothing without its fans.
We don’t see scenes of players celebrating goals with knee slides and jumps into the crowd. Instead, we see gentle fist pumps. In some ways, it feels like we are watching a training game. How so? There isn’t passion and excitement because fans aren’t present. What you do have are players sitting on benches positioned two meters apart.
Perhaps having football back is better than nothing at all, but I dare say that it’s not by much. Sport is supposed to bring people together.
On the opening weekend after a 4-0 win over local rival Schalke, Dortmund’s players could be seen doing their traditional ‘thank you’ to their yellow wall. But it was a gesture to a wall of seats, not to fans who would typically be sitting there.

Courtesy: Reuters
It’s just not the same! A derby with a difference and home advantage for Dortmund, but only in terms of geography, and not support.
With Germany leading the way, it is now up to the organizers of other major leagues to learn from their example and figure out what to do. Both La Liga and the Premier League have announced their plans to return without fans.
We’ll look back on that decision with differing opinions and memories. For me–a lover of the game–I wonder, really wonder, if football without fans is better than no football at all.