Play the 10th. Win or lose. If neither, the game ends in a tie.
When I say ‘baseball needs to tie it up,’ I’m referring to extra-inning games–you know the ones….the games that go past midnight on a Tuesday before work.

Diamondbacks oust Pirates in 16 innings (photo, Sportsnet)
The NFL has tie games. The NBA doesn’t, but their overtime rules consist of an extra five-minute period as opposed to the standard 12 minutes of play. And way more than not, the game outcome is determined during the first overtime period.
The NHL has adopted rules over the years to re-calibrate game outcomes. Soccer has tie games, too.
The underlying factor in all of those sports is to keep fans engaged and also to protect players. The NFL recognizes both matters, and that’s why the League crafted a new OT policy. The NBA is a close second in that regard–its popularity congruent with the pace of the game. In hockey, there’s a shootout.
MLB? Well, that’s another story entirely. For starters, I’m a baseball traditionalist, so any talk about starting extra innings with a player on 2nd base is complete garbage. If MLB does that, here’s what will likely happen. Teams will sacrifice the player to 3rd base. Then, any decent fly ball will plate a run. Game over! That approach is about as stupid as the college football OT rules–except in reverse (a quick settle in MLB vs. multiple OTs in college football).
So here’s what I believe MLB should do. If a game is tied after nine innings, then let’s go to the 10th and put all the marbles on the table: win or tie. I could get on board with two extra innings, but I prefer one.
Why does my proposal hold water? First, only hardcore fans will watch a game that ends at 2 a.m. Second, let’s do right by the players. MLB already puts great demands on these players–demands that escalate at the season wears on. The human body needs rest. The NFL plays 16 games, the NBA and NHL both play 82, but Major League Baseball plays 162.
My proposal means that MLB WILL have tie games. Yes, I know some fans will find that heretical, but it’s at least a step in the direction of getting baseball to fix one of its (many) problems.
I like my proposal because it peaks fan interest (‘Do or Die ‘in the 1oth) and it’s good for the players. Besides, with all the stats/metric people in baseball, the League will be able to figure out a way to factor tie games into the standings. The NHL did it, and so did the NFL.
Ties in MLB! It’s good for the fans. It’s good for the players. It’s good for the game.