COVID-19 is testing young athletes. And it’s at a time like this that youth players need to remember two things that are required for athletic success–ability and attitude.
Ability enables a player to perform, while attitude determines how well a player will perform. Ability is very much connected to decision making during play because success in athletic competition is about making decisions based on quick thinking. Do I see a pass coming? Can I beat the other player? A great athlete has the necessary skills to make quick and smart decisions.
But to be successful, the most technically gifted player also needs the right attitude. Attitude doesn’t take the place of skills and quick-thinking decision making. Attitude helps athletes achieve their potential.
Coaches love to build teams around players with the right attitude. For example, on his first day as Chelsea, legendary manager Jose Mourinho told players to meet him at the training ground at 7 a.m. It was a test. “If a player doesn’t have the hunger and desire, they won’t make it.”
The right attitude includes a combination of discipline, confidence, determination, motivation, dedication, work ethic, ambition, and respect.
In my years of coaching, I’ve come to believe that Attitude + Ability = Confidence Attitude + Ability = Performance Attitude + Ability = Result Attitude + Ability = Success Attitude + Ability = Growth Attitude + Ability = Career.