I’ve played for teams with different colors, but one set of colors always remains the same: red, white, and blue.
Young athletes are being trained to do amazing things, if not be great–especially when loved ones are watching. Generation after generation, it’s always the same.

Courtesy: Jesuit High School of New Orleans
There’s another thing that’s always the same generation after generation. It’s our nation’s flag. It flies at every sporting event in the country.
My goal (always) has been to represent our colors proudly. They won’t be tainted while I’m playing! Before each game, I stand in line to represent red, white, and blue, the colors that have always hung proudly at every field and stadium in my athletic career.
And before each contest–for a few god-given moments–every athlete, parent, coach, teammate, and fan of both teams stand as one to pay honor to our great nation.
Over my athletic career, I’ve played for many teams with different colors. But one thing remains the same: the colors to which I salute–red, white, and blue.