‘Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow’ Teaches Kids How To Support Teammates

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Lyn learns an important lesson about what it means to be a ‘star.’ 

As I’ve described in my previous articles, The Loud House series includes a number of sports moments. A notable episode is “Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow.” It teaches kids how important it is to be supportive of teammates in sports (and in life), and why it’s less important to think highly of yourself.

Lyn and Margo (photo, The Loud House Encylopedia)

The episode opens with Lyn and her fellow teammate, Margo, at ‘Burpin Burger,’ a popular lunchtime spot. They have a soccer match that day, so they have to order quickly, which they do–and get ‘Double Belcher’ burgers with extra hot sauce. Lyn is the star of the team, and many people recognize her at the restaurant.

The scene then switches to the big game against the Beaverton Bees. The game is tied at 3 with one minute remaining. As Lyn tries to score the winning goal she finds herself surrounded by four Bees. Recognizing that she is being overplayed, Lyn passes the ball to Margo, who scores the winning goal.

The next day, Margo is praised for winning the game. She gets her library fines paid and even has the ‘Double Belcher’ re-named as ‘The Margo Miracle’ in her honor.

All of this publicity makes Lyn jealous. In her mind, she should be the star, not Margo. Lyn has had enough of it, and decides that the next soccer match will an opportunity to reclaim her fame.

Things don’t go well at first for Lyn. Multiple scoring attempts end up badly. In the end, though, Lyn prevails: she headbutts the ball into the goal to win the game.

Lyn now has an opportunity to revel in regained fame. “The Margo Miracle” is renamed “The Loud Rebound.” But Lyn finds that reclaiming glory comes at a price–her relationship with Margo. Lyn tries apologizing to Margo for stealing her thunder, but Margo is having none of it–at least not at first. But the two eventually reconcile and, then, together try to figure out who will score the winning goal in the team’s next game–Lyn or Margo.

Courtesy Troy Morgan on Twitter

But, as they say, the best-laid plans don’t always come to pass. Paula, another player on the team, scores the winning goal. Now In the spotlight, Paul finds ‘The Loud Rebound’ renamed after her as  ‘The Holla For Paula’ burger.

At the end of the episode, Lyn, Margo, and Paula are chowing down burgers as Paula asks if naming a burger after a player is weird. Lyn and Margo agree that it doesn’t matter who the burger is named after.

They conclude that teamwork is important–to be supportive of each other–not to vie for the honor of who is best.

A hero today can be gone tomorrow.


About Kadin McElwain

I was born in Kingston, New York, the second child of Monika Keiper and Matthew McElwain. At age two, I was diagnosed with autism, and I’m currently undergoing therapy to help me have a good life. I have multiple interests, including music and writing. I started writing seriously at the age of 13 by writing poems on Allpoetry.com, earning a nomination for Best Teen Poet. In high school, I went on to write scripts, articles, and stories. Now in college, my ultimate goal is to make the world a better place.

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