These authors and articles topped TSC’s list during the first half of 2019.

Courtesy: Patriots Wire–USAToday
NFL stories led the way. Patty Ellis’ piece on how the NFL structure helps the Patriots win championships ranked #1. Mike Gutierrez’s wild-card weekend pick came in second.
Jason Feirman had two articles featured in the top ten: Who Will Draft Kyler Murray? and Truth About the NFL Running Back Position. Also featured was David Sherman’s NFL article on Tom Brady. Sherman sees Brady as ‘a different kind of GOAT.”
An NBA piece was read widely. It was Mithun Pranav, India’s Chess Prodigy.
hess–an undervalued sport (in fan interest, at least)–was featured in Santosh’s article onA TV commercial–by Nike in this case–ranked high. Matthew Paris described the story behind Nike’s ‘Find Your Greatness’ spot.
Terry Link critiqued the outsized compensation of America’s coaches (college, especially).
Frank Fear picked up the last spot in TSC’s Top 10 with his story about the iconic song, “One Shining Moment.”
Thanks to these–and all–TSC writers for making The Sports Column possible!