He is ‘Tiger’ once again.
Last Sunday, Tiger Woods, made a sensational comeback to win his fifth Green Jacket. It was a comeback that eludes words.

Tiger Woods after sinking the final putt to win The Masters (photo, Golf Week)
For a decade, Woods lost just about everything of value–his marriage and his golf game, prominently. Media were at his neck like a dog chasing an owner with meaty bones on the way to a trashcan.
Woods had multiple back operations.
Pain medications followed.
Sponsors deserted him.
Some fans questioned his game, others his personhood.
Woods had fallen from grace.
The big question was: Would Woods be the athlete he once was? The great Michael Jordan said of Woods, “The thing is, I love him so much that I can’t tell him ‘You’re not gonna be great again.”
But Woods proved that wrong. He made a comeback of epic proportions. Amid the darkness, this golfing great lit a candle.
Once again, Woods is TIGER!