Global Cebu’s problem is also the Philippines Football League’s problem.
Financial challenges are pressuring the Philippines Football League. Meralco and Ilocos United have already departed from the league and Global Cebu could be the next team to drop out of the Philippines’ top division league.

Courtesy: Twitter
Global has been struggling financially since a change of ownership. That struggle came to public notice when the club missed an away game on May 2 to Kaya in Iloilo. “Despite all efforts to raise the means we need to honor our commitment, the club’s current financial status will not allow us to travel and play Kaya FC in Iloilo,” read a club statement.
Despite trying to resolve financial issues before its next travel date, on May 12 Global Cebu did not participate in an away game at Stallion Laguna FC.
In the meantime, the club said that the effort to continue playing was a matter of “relying on the personal sacrifices of the players and the staff to survive. We personally solicited financial help and sponsorships from friends and longtime supporters of the club.”
Stallion Laguna Head coach Ernest Nierras said the match cancellation was “unfortunate” and added that “we have to support each other through these hard times.”
In reality, Global Cebu’s problem is also the Philippines Professional Football League’s problem. Should the team withdraw from the league–as the club requested in January 2018–Philippines teams would not be eligible to participate in the AFC Cup.
“We were not supposed to participate this season, but we cannot afford the Philippines to lose a spot in the most prestigious club tournament in the continent, as well as to jeopardize the young PFL league that has just been established,” Global said. “We are aware of sanctions that may be imposed on the club for withdrawing from the AFC Cup. Our conscience would not allow this fate to befall Philippine football, especially after all that we have accomplished in the past eight years,” the club continued.
But the truth remains: Global Cebu urgently needs support if it is to stay loyal to that promise.