No matter what you think of Tom Brady, the man knows what it takes to play a brutal sport and win–even as he ages.
Tom Brady will go down as one of the greatest quarterbacks in National Football League history. He’s a winner–the most wins as a QB in Super Bowl history, the most games played by a QB in Super Bowl history, and he’s a multi-time NFL MVP pick.
But why do so many people dislike Brady?
Is it because he’s winning? Even if that’s the reason, you have to admit two things. It’s amazing to see a player at age 40 in top physical shape. And it’s impressive what Brady does when he gets behind center. While Brady didn’t take home the Lombardi Trophy this year, Brady walked out of Super Bowl 52 with seven records, including eclipsing his own passing record with 505 yards.
How does Brady do it? One reason is attention to diet and body. Another is work ethic. A third is study habits. Of all those reasons, I tend to look at diet and exercise regime.

Brady’s arm extension, SB 51 (photo, Michael Zagaris/Getty Images)
Brady drinks nothing but water during the season. It’s estimated that he drinks 25 glasses of water a day and stays away from coffee.
He also keeps his muscles strong to avoid cramps and injuries. For Brady, it’s all about mobility and what’s called “muscle pliability.”
To get that, you need to keep muscles long and soft, not bulky. That makes much sense for a quarterback, a player that needs arm extension to make strong and accurate throws.
Toward that end, Brady exercises with elastic resistance bands, massage balls, and foam rollers. He finishes every workout with a routine to relax his muscles and keep muscle soreness to a minimum.
No matter what you think of Tom Brady, one thing is crystal clear. This man knows what it takes to play a brutal sport and win–even as he ages.