From Virginia Buell, Madison, WI: I want to get this message out there for everyone to see.

Courtesy: Isaiah J. Downing-USA TODAY Sports
I just heard about Edwin Jackson’s death and from a drunk driver, no less.
Edwin had a God-given talent that he displayed on the field.
Corinthians 2:17, “ Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ, we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.”
Edwin is now with God.
The NFL and fans will now reflect on Edwin’s life.
I’ve written so many bible scripture for people and posted them on line,I love God and have spritual insight. A lot of the time nobody ever see them, I do them because I love God and people. It sound crazy but God sends people to me all the time, I write for families I have whole face book full of Gods love.I’ve taken a beating, and have faced a lot of adversity but have managed with Gods help to make it through it all myself, to write beautiful scriptures for people just like Edwin. I don’t get anything for them, someone once told me Virginia your broke ,why not get some money for what you do, It just does not feel right, I get convicted.
So, I want to thank you publishing my scripture, In magazine God bless you. Sincerely, Virginia Buell