I think the conversation should be about whether or not the NFL should fire Roger Goodell–not about whether the League should give him a raise.
Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, is in the news once again. He has been negotiating a contract extension with the NFL owners, reportedly asking for $49.5 million per year.

Courtesy: CBS Sports
If agreed to by the NFL, that salary would make him better-paid than the CEOs of Nike, Yahoo!, J.P. Morgan, and others.
I ask you, why on Earth does Roger Goodell deserve that much money?
It can’t be because the fans love him. They boo him relentlessly in public.
It can’t be because of the way he has handled key issues, like domestic violence and assault. He butchers those incidents every time they arise.
And it can’t be the way he’s handled the concussion issue. He has butchered that as well.
So what is it?
I’m confused as to why team owners are putting up with him. The record shows he’s incompetent.
I think the conversation should be about whether or not the NFL should fire Goodell–not whether the League should give him a raise.