Johnson’s circumstance shines a light on the horrifying truth regarding male athletes: on- and off-the-field they can hit, punch, and fight, but their professional careers will remain alright.
Netflix released Season Two of Last Chance U this past July. The program highlights college athletes who struggle (in the producers’ words) “to find their redemption on a champion community college football team.”

Johnson with his mother on Good Morning America (photo, NYDailyNews)
Last October I wrote in these pages about former FSU quarterback De’Andre Johnson. A domestic abuse incident at a bar in Tallahassee led to Johnson’s Seminoles jersey being taken away and his dismissal from the school.
A surveillance video was released of him assaulting FSU student Abigail Husty. The video blew up, its distribution magnified by social media. Johnson entered a plea deal–pleading guilty to his misdemeanor battery case related to the incident.
Season Two, Episode Two of Last Chance focuses on Johnson. He admits his mistake as he sits alongside his parents. His next step? Take advantage of a second chance on the football field. Johnson enrolled at East Mississippi Community College and became a team leader. There was even talk that he was the best QB to come through that school recently.
But despite his good performance at EMCC–both on- and off-the-field–major colleges weren’t showing interest in him. That was until December 9th, when Johnson was invited to visit Florida Atlantic University. He was offered a spot on the team the very next day and Johnson officially signed with the Owls a few days later.
Abigail Husty, who remained at FSU but has had her own hardships following the incident, hasn’t participated in public interviews since the trial and her social media remains private. But the Netflix release of Last Chance U rekindled interest in the matter. It became a hot topic of discussion on Twitter. Here are several examples.
Watching Last Chance U. TBH I don't feel bad for Abigail Husty. She threw the first punch. De'Andre Johnson was assaulted….
— Kleyn Kutt (Pronounced Clean Cut) (@KleynKutt) July 23, 2017
The majority of the tweets–if not all of them–blamed Husty for what happened.
A year has now passed and I’ve had plenty of time to reflect on this story. I think it tells us at least three things about what’s at stake.
First, Husty–an average college student–was tweeted about by name. De’Andre Johnson, a promising football player, had to re-start his college career.
Second, despite tempers that flared during a heated conversation, that circumstance neither justified the actions taken that night nor the victim-blaming that followed.
Third, Johnson’s circumstance shines a light on the horrifying truth regarding male athletes: on- and off-the-field they can hit, punch, and fight, but their professional careers will remain alright.
It’s no secret that domestic violence among male athletes is a common crime. As a culture, it’s a hard pill to swallow. Not many people want to talk about or acknowledge it.
Most sports fans want their teams to succeed and thrive. In return, they’re willing to look the other way, sometimes defending an athlete’s violent actions.
We have seen that storyline too many times. Here are three examples.
No matter your age, you’re probably familiar with what many have called, “The Trial of the Century.” O.J Simpson, beloved in the football community, captured the public’s attention in the mid-90s when he was accused–but found not guilty–of killing his wife, Nicole.
In 2015, Baltimore Ravens’ Ray Rice was caught on tape beating and dragging his wife in an elevator.
In boxing, Floyd Mayweather stamped his all-time-great ticket in Vegas recently by defeating Connor McGregor. He’s now 50-0. But consider what a Reddit user posted after the fight: “Floyd Mayweather is 51-0 if you count the time he beat his wife, but you don’t because she never got her boxing license and therefore isn’t a professional boxer.”
Of course, that statement makes light of a horrible situation. But the truth is that Mayweather’s greatness in the ring shouldn’t eliminate him from scrutiny outside of it.
From De’Andre Johnson to Floyd Mayweather, we witness the epitome of male-athlete privilege. As their fame grows, their sense of entitlement develops, too.
Yes, athletes are role models and, with that, they need to be held responsible for their actions. But that’s not to say everybody is looking the other way. Here are two recent examples.
In mid-August, the NFL announced that the Cowboys’ Ezekiel Elliott will be suspended for 6 games following a domestic violence investigation conducted by the league.
This past April, Indiana University adopted a policy that bans IU sports programs from including any athlete who has a history of sexual or domestic violence. It applies to any athlete who “has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty or no contest to, a felony involving sexual violence.”
That policy means De’Andre Johnson wouldn’t be able to play for the Hoosiers. And it’s probably the reason offers from big-name schools didn’t pour in.
Slowly, but with a strong sense of hope, I’d like to see it become easier for sports authorities and fans to address domestic violence for what it is–violence.
There is one very large problem with your analysis and conclusion. DeAndre Johnson was not involved in a situation of domestic violence. DeAndre and the young lady were not involved in a relationship. She was a total stranger to him. Just because a male hits a female does not make it a domestic matter. Look up the definition. Therefore, he technically would not be banned based on IU’s policy.
Seriously when are we going to start putting some blame on the women who provoke this violence by throwing and or landing a punch! Getting on a show and crying later as if you did nothing wrong is always their way out. Then you watch it and act as if it never happened. Is it because she a girl, cause I have a sister that would knock the taste out of your mouth. I have a do not hit women rule in my life, as long as they don’t strike the face! It’s not because I’m so good looking or anything however if you go for the face you’re intending to do harm to that individual. How about some counseling for this woman as well. How about teaching her that she to should have consequence for starting a fight. Nah instead what you and these lawyers do is wait till those black athletes come into some money and then you sue them because you can.
“We” don’t. This writer did. We’re an open-access site that enables everyday people to write articles on topics they choose and in the way they choose. You are most welcome (as is everyone) to submit an article with the commentary of your choosing.
SHE HIT HIM. Do you want equal rights or ‘special privileges’ for women?? Why was she not charged??? Women can assault men, but men can’t touch women? It has nothing to do with being an athlete. She has zero right to put her hands on him then claim to be a victim
This is the dumbest article I’ve ever read. First it’s not domestic and second and more importantly keep your hands to yourself. He should have hit her harder and more times. Reverse the roles and you would agree.
She deserved to have her jaw broken tbh. Dont hit people, shout insults, and not expect some sort of retaliation. Its pretty simple. Still trying to figure out how she was she ever considered faultless in the whole thing, and a victim. What a joke