Relationships started years ago–in the streets, backyards, neighborhood courts, and local sandlots. We had fun. We bonded.

Courtesy: ROAR Sports
What does it take to be successful in sports? In almost every organized sport one item ranks at the top–team atmosphere. Athletes have to put aside individual needs and work together.
Respect for teammates is a must, too. You may not get along with others, but you have to respect them in order to have a good season.
It all starts at the youth level. And it’s not only about teaching young ones the fundamentals of a game, it’s also making sure they have fun and make friends. Kids are more likely to perform well when they’re having fun.
Think about it. In my youth. and probably yours, we got together to play in our neighborhood–in the street, front yards, sandlots, and parks. What we learned there was irreplaceable–things like social skills, sportsmanship, and how to be a team player. Those skills translate throughout life.
Life lessons continue in organized sports. You learn to work hard, be persistent, manage emotions associated with winning and losing, and establish interpersonal bonds with teammates in shared pursuits.
Some athletes go on to play in college. Others play in social leagues or A lot play just for the fun of it. And what connects them all is playing sports with one or more friends.
To this day, I’m friends with many of my former teammates, many of whom had great successes in life. I’m proud of them now, just as I was proud of them back then.
Those teammates are still there today, in good times and tough times, and those relationships started years ago–in the streets, backyards, neighborhood courts, and local sandlots.
We learned how to play. We had fun. And we bonded.