Written by Michael, Brussels, Belgium.
Chess is a board game played among two players: White and Black. The two players alternate turns (White often moves initially), moving one particular piece at a time with the ultimate aim of capturing the enemy king.

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There are six pieces in chess, each of which move in a unique way. All pieces do share some frequent traits. For instance, no piece is permitted to land on a square occupied by a friendly piece. If a piece lands on a square occupied by an enemy piece, that enemy is captured and removed from the board. Also, with the exception of the knight, pieces are not permitted to jump more than other pieces. Clicking on the name of each piece will open a a lot more detailed guide on that piece’s movements.
The Rook: The rook generally looks like a little tower. It is permitted to move in a straight line horizontally or vertically, for any quantity of squares.
The Bishop: The bishop moves in a straight line diagonally, for any quantity of squares.
The Queen: The queen is a combination of a rook and a bishop — it may move any quantity of squares in a straight line, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The queen is the most potent piece in chess.
The King: The king can also move in any direction, like diagonally. Even so, he can only move one particular square at a time. The king is the most important piece in chess.

Courtesy: Oh@Fact
The Knight: The knight, which generally looks like a horse, moves in an irregular pattern, generally referred to as an “L-shape.” The knight’s moves can also be described as moving two squares vertically or horizontally, generating a “turn” left or right, and moving one particular a lot more square. From the center of the board this implies the knight can move to eight different squares.
The Pawn: Pawns are the shortest and weakest pieces in chess. Pawns are also the only pieces in chess that move one particular way. But, as opposed to other pieces, pawns can only move forward and one square at a time, unless they are on the square on which they began the game. If it is the pawn’s initial move, it has the option of moving one particular or two squares, straight forward.
The simple approach for a chess game to finish is by receiving each player’s agreement that the game must be a draw. That most typically takes place when each player knows that neither has any winning possibility, barring a truly unlikely error in one side or the other.

Courtesy: Inspiration By Exploration
An agreed-draw could also be utilised strategically in tournament play. If a player can advance or win a prize making use of a draw, he or she may supply a draw even whether or not he or she may have a truly useful position–just to eliminate any chance of losing the game.
Stalemate takes place when a player is not in check, but does not have legal a move to make. This regularly takes place in games among novices. One particular player will generally finish up way ahead in material, though not recognize basic checkmating techniques. Often this leads to a stalemate: the more potent side will fail to locate a checkmate and will trap the king without truly putting it into check.
Stalemates are certainly a lot more prevalent amongst novices compared to sturdy players, but they are not truly uncommon even in greater-level chess. Tactics that may pressure a stalemate can be a saving way for a player who appears to losing.