Storyline: Josh Gordon has a God-given talent to play football, but addiction has taken him away from the field. Written by Logan Dean, McKinney, TX
It’s hard to say I’m shocked by the news that Josh Gordon has entered rehab, but it’s fair to say that I’m disappointed. I’m not disappointed because he chose to get help or because I wanted him to catch touchdowns for my Fantasy Football team. I’m disappointed because Gordon may never playing football again.

Substance abuse at this level is life-threatening. When I say “life-threatening” I’m not just referring to the ability to breathe. I’m talking about losing your family, friends, wealth, emotional stability, and the courage to live life every day.
I’m no stranger to its destruction.
It’s easy for people to shrug it off, but Gordon may have sacrificed his life’s work for a few moments of weakness.
Gordon should be held as an example about the need to work every day to achieve something–not just in sports, but in every profession. It may seem ok to drink or get high if you feel you’re accomplishing your goals. But, at some point, you have to ask yourself if those moments of pleasure are worth a lifetime of regrets.
While Gordon’s situation is an extreme case, we’re all susceptible to the same trap. You don’t just make it to the NFL without putting in the work. Gordon has a God-given talent to play football. But there are things in life that will defeat you and derail you. To me, it’s terrifying to think about how much Gordon put into his craft only to have all of it taken away by addiction.
I hope Gordon finds peace by a marketing in the addiction space that he really need. I also hope he finds himself back on a football field someday. At this moment in time, though, his health is priority #1.
I wish him the best.