Storyline: Golden State was the only option. Why? All the others said: “We want you to bring us a championship.” The Warriors were different: “KD, we’re a championship team. We’re going to win with or without you.” That was a release point. Written by Aaron Rodgers, Montpelier, VT

KD has what I think is a “menthol disturbance.” I think he was born with it.
He’s weak psychologically–not easily able to carry big responsibilities–such as leading a basketball team and being their leader. In prior years he tried very hard to build himself as a leader and a fighter. He thought of being like Kobe, LeBron, etc.–players who built franchises. But, as time ran out, he became more and more pressured.
In his only Finals appearance against the Heat, KD was still in the mode of becoming a leader and hero. Winning the crown would’ve changed him for life. He’d become an all-time pro who carried a franchise on his shoulders. But OKC lost.

Courtesy: Sports Illustrated
Since then, his feelings of pressure have gotten worse and worse. He has mishandled the media and mishandled players. He looked to Russell Westbrook as his savior because of Westbrook’s tough and easy nature. Russ never gives a damn to what’s happening and to what anyone is saying. He started to help KD by having him lean on him, taking criticism, and defending him. That looked to be the solution, but fans never thought Russ was going to hand them a championship. KD knew that and felt big-big pressure.
After game 4 win in this year’s semi-finals, when OKC went up 3-1 on GS, KD got optimistic and once again started to believe in himself — that, maybe, he could carry a team and a franchise. OKC went up 3-1 on a 73-win team. But the bigger the optimism, the bigger the disappointment. After he was on a clear path to the championship–a clear path to prove himself as a leader, a clear path to take off all pressure from him–he collapsed. His feelings were too much.
He felt he owned OKC. The Thunder need a title and they rely on him. KD’s sensitive mind was blowing up. He decided “I’M LEAVING OKC.”
His only option was to go to Golden State. Why? Boston, Miami, SAS, LAC, and all the others made it clear: “We want you to come to our franchise, carry the team, and bring us a championship.” But Golden State told him: “KD, we are a championship team and we’re going to win without you as well.” That was a release point. It would get rid of all pressures and responsibilities.
“That’s made for me.” “I belong here!”
So drop all other thoughts, fans. KD didn’t go to GS just for a ring! He want because of the psychology involved.