For New Year’s, I wanted to fix some of the problems in my home sports town of Baltimore. Here is the top 5 Resolutions for Charm City going in to 2013.

Courtesy: NY Times
1. Ozzie Newsome – “I will stop trying to find the next Ray Lewis and accept that there will never be another Ray Lewis.”
2. Peter Angelos – “I will spend a small portion of the millions of dollars that I have made from from MASN on the Orioles.”
3. Joe Flacco – “I will accept that I lost $20 million dollars by not accepting the Ravens offer last summer and sign a new 5 year contact with Baltimore in the summer of 2013.”
4. Dan Duquette – “I will turn 2 of my young pitchers into a power hitter to solidify the Orioles lineup.”
5. Michael Phelps – “I will stop acting like a dick to my fellow Baltimoreans”
This is my Note as the ball drops on New Years.