Christmas is a time of giving and a time of sharing. It’s a time of camaraderie and understanding. This has been a rough few days for our country. The air feels a little thicker and hearts feel a little heavier. To think of something as trivial as sports may seem unsympathetic and uncaring, but I think right now that the sports community in our country may be our greatest outlet for stress relief and community.
I played hockey last night for my men’s league team and not once did I think about all the problems going on outside the rink. The world was contained, if only for a couple hours, and I was free to smply Be. I joked around with my team and laughed. It was just what I needed. This Christmas I would like to give the gift of sport to anyone who needs that relief. To anyone who needs to simply Be. Whether it’s tossing about a football out back or hiking through the woods or playing mens league at 10 at night, I hope that those people can shut their brains off and be free if only for a couple hours. So, if you’re reading this, go outside and do something. Go to the basketball court and shoot the ball for an hour. Go kick a soccer ball. Go drive some golf balls. Go have a catch with your kid. Go and Be.
On a less serious note…

Courtesy: Wisconsin University
This Christmas I would also like to give the gift of NHL hockey back to the fans. It’s been a frustrating, embarrassing and trivial time for NHL fans across the globe as the league and players can’t seem to come together like adults and figure out a new CBA. It’s a sport. It’s for show. It’s a form of entertainment for fans – Now it’s just a joke. This Christmas I want the NHL back for the fans sake, whoever is left. I miss my hockey. I’m tired of searching the internet for any kind of KHL or AHL clips. This Christmas I want the league and owners to grow up and stop feuding over millions of dollars when there are worse things going on right now in the world.
I hope whoever reads this that you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Take care of each other and do something nice for someone today. It really does make a difference.